Monday, September 26, 2011

A New Season, A New Group, and This is What we're Getting Up To

Here in Saskatchewan, fall is well under way, and me and my small group of children have been together for almost one month. I love learning about each person, and as well seeing how the personality of the group begins to emerge.This season I'm also looking for small treasures left by the children.

I've found many kinds of treasures, off an on all month, but don't always have my camera. I want to take the camera outside, as my children seem to love sorting with small rocks, and sticks as well.

This summer we were quite busy doing art, and here are some examples.

This was done outside, painting with rice in a stocking and bouncing it in the paint and on the paper - idea from the Ooey Gooey Lady.

The children love having their body traced, and then painting it.

We made these great pop bottle flowers from Melissa at The Chocolate Muffin Tree. Our markers didn't show up well. The children had coloured the plastic. Next time I'd like to try painting with glitter glue.

Wishing you a happy season where you are!